
Showing posts from February, 2018

Confirm your Events from the Webapp

As requested, talent can now approve upcoming events from the webapp.  Once they are assigned to an event their webapp will include a prompt in the menu system that they can click on to confirm the event.  Their response will be logged in the event comments section. Pressing on either the Yes or No buttons will register your response and stop further communications from ZenShows about event confirmations. Hopefully this will streamline your responses for many upcoming events into one place. Of course you can still just reply to the email or text message or phone call - this just gives you one more way to respond. If you want to look at the event schedule first before responding feel free to go to that tab on the webapp and check it out and then respond at the menu system anytime. Let us know what else we can do for you to make your life easier!

Announcing Support for Whole Foods!

We now support Whole Foods USA for our check in/out and event management tools.  That brings our total supported vendors to 14 Costco PetSmart WinCo Sams Club Walmart Lowes Home Depot CVS Daves Markets Rosauers Big Y HyVee Costco Canada Whole Foods We are excited to see our retailer list grow.  And speaking of growth, we have 1.2M sales data records now in ZenShows across over 75,000 events and nearly 200,000 checkin/outs! Welcome Whole Foods!

Estimated Shipment Weights

If you have setup your products with weights you can now see estimated shipment weights in a few different places on ZenShows.  Here I'll take you through the steps to set up weights and then also where to find the results: First in your products setup you need to make sure you have entered weights for the various items.   Then on  your company settings page make sure you have specified the units you want to use.  The default is Lbs if you don't enter anything here: Thats it!  You can now estimated weights in ZenShows!  From the shipment processing page you can see estimated shipment weights for the product: And also you will find the estimated shipment weights on the logstics tab for each event: Please note that the logistics tab also can include an overhead amount - this allows you to include pallet weights and general event weight overhead above and beyond just the product weight.  Wondering where the estimates for quantities on the shipment weights come from?