Announcing Support for Whole Foods!

We now support Whole Foods USA for our check in/out and event management tools.  That brings our total supported vendors to 14

  1. Costco
  2. PetSmart
  3. WinCo
  4. Sams Club
  5. Walmart
  6. Lowes
  7. Home Depot
  8. CVS
  9. Daves Markets
  10. Rosauers
  11. Big Y
  12. HyVee
  13. Costco Canada
  14. Whole Foods
We are excited to see our retailer list grow.  And speaking of growth, we have 1.2M sales data records now in ZenShows across over 75,000 events and nearly 200,000 checkin/outs!

Welcome Whole Foods!


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