Using Schedule Templates

Schedule templates are one of the more powerful features in ZenShows when it comes to managing your events.

One thing I should try to clarify as long as we are talking about templates is absolute vs relative times.  For some retailers we try to keep their open hours up to date in ZenShows.  If a location has hours of operation that you save a template from then that template can be saved as a "relative" schedule.  What this means is that the start and end times for the schedule are saved relative to open/close hours for that location.  And then when you load the template to a new location we use that locations open/close hours as the basis.

An example will help.

Portland Event
DayOpenCloseSchedule StartSchedule End
Monday8 AM5 PM7 AM5 PM
Tuesday9 AM6 PM9 AM6 PM
Wednesday9 AM7 PM9 AM7 PM

Lets say for portland the store is open 8 to 5 on mondays and 9 to 6 on other days except wednesday when its open late. We want our talent to get to the store one hour early on monday to setup and make sure everything is ready to go, but on the other days its fine if they arrive right when the store opens. If we create create a template from this schedule then the times will be stored as follows:

Saved Event Schedule
DaySchedule StartSchedule End
Monday-1 Hour before OPENCLOSE TIME

So now if we load this template to a new location with different hours the relative times will be used.
New York Event
DayOpenCloseSchedule StartSchedule End
Monday6 AM8 PM5 AM8 PM
Tuesday10 AM4 PM10 AM4 PM
Wednesday10 AM3 PM10 AM3 PM

Hopefully that clears up templates a bit!


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