We finally had a moment to complete the new training video. I'm thrilled with how it turned out. Here is the text from the training video: Getting started with ZenShows is fast and easy. In this video we will walk you through the setup process and highlight some of the key features of the webapp. By now you should have an email from us that looks something like this with a link in it to take you to your own personalized webapp. Its important that you run through these steps on your mobile phone that you plan to use during your events. please click on the link to start the process from your phone. This is your webapp. Its like a webpage, but can easily be saved on your phone and operates more like an application. Please make sure you keep the link to this page secret as its your personal page and does not require a login to use it. You may want to bookmark this page in your browser to make sure you can always get back to it....
Schedule templates are one of the more powerful features in ZenShows when it comes to managing your events. One thing I should try to clarify as long as we are talking about templates is absolute vs relative times. For some retailers we try to keep their open hours up to date in ZenShows. If a location has hours of operation that you save a template from then that template can be saved as a "relative" schedule. What this means is that the start and end times for the schedule are saved relative to open/close hours for that location. And then when you load the template to a new location we use that locations open/close hours as the basis. An example will help. Portland Event Day Open Close Schedule Start Schedule End Monday 8 AM 5 PM 7 AM 5 PM Tuesday 9 AM 6 PM 9 AM 6 PM Wednesday 9 AM 7 PM 9 AM 7 PM Lets say for portland the store is open 8 to 5 on mondays and 9 to 6 on other days except wednesday when its open late. We want our talent to get to ...
As more and more clients are using our forms to get summaries, contracts with staffers, collect images, etc it becomes more and more of an effort to insure compliance. We have installed a new report for all Vendors and Agencies that will keep track of all your outgoing forms and allow you to follow up on those that have not been completed. Just select the form you are after, what date range you are looking for (including upcoming events) and sort. As with all reports, you can customize the report and have it automatically sent to you on whatever schedule you choose. We recommend setting it up so that you look at all incomplete forms for events starting next week and have that emailed to you every monday or so. Don't forget, we can also collect signatures on documents!
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